Headed to Ohio University's Symposium Weekend...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 11:48PM
Brian Gainor

mccune.jpgI will be taking a weekend hiatus to attend the Ohio University Sports Administration Program's Symposium weekend, an annual event that welcomes the program's 1,300+ alumni back to campus. Symposium is truly an exceptional weekend for networking and reconnecting with the program and its current MBA/MSA students. The Ohio University Center for Sports Administration is proud to announce Scott McCune, Vice President and Director of Integrated Marketing for Coca-Cola, as the honorary recipient of the Charles R. Higgins Distinguished Alum Award.

Symposium's weekend activities include a golf tournament, poker tournament, cookout,  speaker series, panel discussion, and a banquet. To complement the Symposium festivities, the Court Street Drinking Team shirts will be making their return to campus - if you are interested in purchasing one (1), please email bgainor@partnershipactivation.net. The Court Street Drinking Team Shirts are $15 and are available but limited in supply.

Alumni representing all facets of the sports industry will be in Athens this weekend for Symposium:

It should be a great weekend... Look for some updates early next week!


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