Introducing a Revenue Generating Widget...
Sunday, July 6, 2008 at 12:32PM
Brian Gainor in Capitalizing on Technology

vortex.jpgAre you looking for ways to penetrate the social networking space? Or better yet, derive revenue from this channel?

I recently had a great conversation with Ed Trost of Real Time Matrix about a widget his company created that serves as a great forefront for teams/organizations looking to enter the social networking space. Real Time Matrix's new widget, the Vortex, allows teams/organizations to deliver video, ticketing, and news feeds (personalized content) directly into users' online social networking spaces.

The widget technology offers teams/organizations a new media channel to sell advertising inventory, integrate corporate partners into video clips, and drive awareness for corporate promotions/events through news feeds. The Vortex technology is a relatively inexpensive upfront cost that is structured as a revenue sharing model based on CPM's. 

Which organizations are using the Vortex technology?

How do consumers use the Vortex technology?

How do you make effective use of this technology?

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