Looking to Promote Your Brand in Emerging Markets?
Sunday, July 6, 2008 at 02:53PM
Brian Gainor in Marketing Tactics

Are you looking for innovative ways to leverage sports to help promote your brand in emerging countries? Are you looking for ways to provide sponsors additional exposure?

Gatorade and the NBA recently teamed up to brand basketball playgrounds in Shanghai. The pictures below capture when Mt. Vernon (a U.S. high school team) traveled overseas to play some exhibition games against Chinese youth. Take a look at how Gatorade and the NBA co-branded the backboards and courtside signage - Gatorade and the NBA are guaranteed impressions by placing their brand directly in the line of focus of participants and ongoers at school yards in emerging markets - two (2) effective ways to drive brand awareness and affinity!



Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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