Looking to Add Fan Entertainment Elements?
Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 09:48PM
Brian Gainor in Promotions / In-Venue Activation

Are you looking for new ways to engage consumers during timeouts in play, concessions breaks, and pre-game/post-game periods? Are you looking for new ways to provide fan entertainment in your concourse levels?

The Milwaukee Brewers have done a tremendous job enhancing the fan experience at Miller Park with a multitude of entertainment elements:

"RACE TO FIRST BASE" SIMULATOR - The Brewers have created a unique entertainment feature that enables fans to feel like they are racing Corey Hart down the first base line.

"RACE THE SAUSAGES" SIMULATED GAME - An area where fans can race one another while pushing replica models of the Worlds Famous Klement's Racing Sausages.

"MAKE YOUR OWN BASEBALL CARD" STATION - The Brewers have created a feature within the concourse level where fans can create their own baseball cards for a nominal fee.

BERNIE BREWER SLIDE - Young Brewers fans can experience the rush that Bernie the Brewer feels sliding down his slide on a mini-setup in the Kids Zone.

UNIQUE "PHOTO OPP" AREAS - The Brewers dugout and a giant baseball glove.

SOURCE: All pictures included in this post were taken and featured on the 620 WTMJ website.

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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