Take Team Sponsorships on the Road...
Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 04:02PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

Is your organization looking to sell additional inventory to team partners? Are you looking for ways to drive brand affiliation out-of-venue?

European soccer clubs have found a new way to capitalize on their modes of transportation. Teams are now beginning to spend large sums of dollars to brand their team buses, which are often used to travel to various matches, etc.

In doing so, teams have now begun to feature the logos of their supporting partners on the team bus. In other words, these soccer clubs are taking their supporting brands with them when they take on opponents on the road (or the logos of their partnering brands at least).

As an example, check out the FC Koln soccer club's team bus below:

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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