Sponsors Align Their Brands with Music Artists...
Monday, February 25, 2008 at 06:46PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas
japan.jpgIn recent months, a large number of corporate sponsors have begun to expand their sponsorship portfolios, reaching out to the entertainment world to seek new target audiences and messaging avenues. While partnering with artists may carry an elevated level of risk, they in turn offer corporate sponsors a new medium for finding true solutions to meet their set objectives. 

IEG recently profiled a number of new corporate-entertainment partnerships:

While the three (3) aforementioned companies developed well-executed programs, Nike seems to have taken the idea of aligning with entertainment to a whole new level. The innovative shoe company adorned limited edition album covers of six (6) popular Japanese artists. Each of the select cd's featured specially designed cardboard cases with the popular artists sporting Nike shoes (Wall Street Journal, 2.22.08).

Could this be a new wave for sponsor integration in the entertainment world? Will we see sponsors begin to shift more dollars from the sports world to music and fashion? As sports organization begin to seek new opportunities to offer fans enhanced entertainment value, we may begin to see companies focus more of their sponsorship dollars on artists and niche markets (i.e. Indie rock).

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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