Partnership Activation Tactics: What's Hot
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 at 06:09PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas


Sampling is hot among marketers... there's no question about it. With the country facing troubling economic times, marketers are turning to sampling tactics to provide pinched consumers a freebie item that they can appreciate in a rather inexpensive manner (Ad Age 5.12.08). Funds for sampling programs, which have traditionally come from promotion budgets, are now being deposited from other accounts (i.e. traditional media, etc.).

With the advent of new technologies and messaging mediums, companies can now get the same impact from a sampling program as they would from a :30 national television spot... at a much lower cost. For example, Starbucks can generate hundreds of millions of free media impressions nearly every time it makes an offer or retrains its employees.

Why are sampling programs taking off?

1. The Economy (consumers are more cautious with their spending when there's less disposable income. Corporate marketers are hoping that a free sample will lead to an impulse to purchase)

2. They are an inexpensive means for having a one-to-one personal interaction with the consumer. Corporate marketers are now trying to enhance the quality of their impressions with consumers to drive a call to action.

3. Sampling research from Arcature has found that 80% of respondents would prefer a free sample to a coupon; 1/3 would be willing to come back and pay for something they taste and like

Who is sampling?

Who is sampling in the sports space?

Source: Advertising Age - The New Mass Medium - May 13, 2008.

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (
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