Drive Partnership Value Out Of Your Mascot...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 10:03PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

Eagles%20Mascot%20FP%20SUV.JPGIs your team/organization currently maximizing your mascot to the fullest potential? If you answered "Yes" to this question, how have you determined what the maximum potential is?

Have you considered incorporating the services of your team/organization's mascot to sell a partnership? Have you considered creating a partnership that is centered solely around the team's mascot?

I recently created a "Mascot Capabilities" deck to demonstrate the level of value and engagement that mascots offer teams, fans, and sponsors alike. Marketers are continuously chasing the engagement medium - finding new ways to connect with fans and consumers on a 1-to-1 basis. What better way than finding some key initiatives that incorporate the team's mascot - a character who has face-to-face interaction with thousands of consumers on game day and serves as a key element of the overall game experience?

As I previously mentioned in a partnership evaluation of the Charlotte Bobcats' game experience, the Dallas Mavericks sold Elliott's Hardware on a partnership that incorporated the team's mascot, Champ. Many opportunities exist for your team/organization to also sell this asset, if the right benefits are presented through a tactical approach. The "Mascot Capabilities" Deck should help provide some understanding on ways that your mascot can benefit potential corporations - please feel free to share this deck with colleagues, etc.

Some potential mascot corporate partnership categories include:

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