Strike It Rich With a Lottery Partner...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 07:37AM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

celtslotter.jpgAre you looking for some ideas to strike it rich with a lottery partner?

Dave Wedge of the Boston Herald recently featured a great piece on Massachusetts State Lottery (MSL) distributing thousands of dollars worth of free tickets to local bar and store owners as perks and to encourage them to "push" sports related lottery games. The Lottery even gave fourteen (14) agents a total of 28 tickets to Game 6 of the NBA Finals in Boston, including seven (7) sets of luxury suites and four (4) floor seats... Agents have also received Red Sox luxury box seats, tickets to fantasy camps to play ball with members of the Red Sox and Celtics, and seats at VIP brunches with players.

In total, the Massachusetts State Lottery has distributed over $340,000 in sports tickets to local agents, an initiative that is part of an overall strategy to compensate local agents who help drive millions of dollars in sales. MSL lottery spokesman Dan Rosenfeld considers the strategy "critical" to their success. All tickets were purchased from the teams by the Lottery, demonstrating that you do not have to have the Lottery as an official team partner to still pocket some of their business.

However, there are many teams who have developed innovative ways to leverage "the lottery", including:

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (
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