Partnership Industry to Watch: Movie Theaters...
Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 08:27PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

sports%20fans.jpgHave you considered using non-traditional media channels to help promote your brand/product? Have you considered forming a partnership with your local movie theater, a venue that offers some unique ways to reach a broad range of audiences?

Sunrise Sports & Entertainment, the business arm that operating the NHL's Florida Panthers, recently formed a partnership with Muvico Theaters. Through the deal, the Panthers will receive in-theater and on-screen team advertising. The team will also feature:

In return, Muvico will receive signage in-arena at the BankAtlantic Center and the team's training center as well as website advertising and promotional exposure on the Panthers flagship station WAXY-AM.

Why is this deal significant? It marks a signaling trend for sports marketers as more teams and leagues are partnering wth movie theater chains in-market to drive awareness, promotional activity, and reach. The L.A. Lakers (movie critic vignette), the NBA (3D HD NBA Finals viewing parties), the Dallas Mavericks (3D HD viewing parties), the Boston Red Sox (live games in theatres) and the New York Mets (showing live games in movie theatres) have all implemented innovative programs that incorporate movie theater chains in an effort to promote their brands...

The New York Times recently featured a great piece on movie theatres hosting a variety of events nowadays...

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