Looking for New Ways to Integrate Auto Sponsors?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 06:59PM
Brian Gainor

Are you looking for new ways to integrate auto sponsors into your halftime entertainment? Are you looking for ways to make auto partners a part of the action instead of as a complimentary prize?

Face Team, the halftime performers of the 2006 Hungarian All-Star basketball game, found a unique way to integrate the game's supporting automobile sponsor into their halftime entertainment piece. The group of acrobatic dunkers wheeled a car onto the court and set up a trampoline for Aron Takacs, their leading performer, to jump over while completing a dunk. The on-court promotion integrating the automobile sponsor into the mix captured the attention of thousands of fans in attendance.

The three clips enclosed belowcapture potential ways for teams to integrate auto partners into their game/online entertainment:

The first clip captures the Hungarian All-Star game events and integration

The second clip profiles an athlete that jumped over an automobile at a street basketball event (Kobe-esque) - This clip was included to demonstrate that your organization does not need to bring in an acrobatic act to complete this stunt. There are some individuals who potentially could be brought in to specifically perform the dunk.

The third clip demonstrates how automobile partners can incorporate their offerings into video games (see the 1:05 mark) The third clip demonstrates how users can jump over cars in the video game NBA 2K8. Organizations can also potentially offer similar offerings by featuring an interactive game on their website that enables users to jump over the new Ford Focus, etc. 

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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