Boost Running Partnerships by Creating Proprietary Events...
Saturday, August 23, 2008 at 10:19AM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

Are you looking for new ways to boost your marathon/triathlon/5K sponsorship sales? Are you looking for ideas on ways to generate awareness for your event?

IEG recently featured an outstanding article in the IEG Sponsorship Report on the Nautica New York City Triathlon's ability to increase their corporate partner revenue by roughly 20% during its 8th year of existence. The article, entitled How an Established Property Can Significantly Increase Sponsorship, went on to describe how the triathlon has consistently achieved double digit sponsorship growth over the course of its existence.

How did they do it?

Event organizers created proprietary events and programs around the triathlon:

How did they attract title sponsors?

Which companies sponsored the 2008 event?

If you are looking for innovative ideas to boost your marathon/triathlon/5K sales, check in with the guys that run this event... They seem to really know what they are doing and there are some great principles to benchmark here. For more information on the Chipotle Underwear Run and the Nautica New York City Triathlon presented by Toyota, check out the two (2) clips below:

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (
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