Looking to Add a New Partner?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 07:05AM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

Have you considered signing an "Official Sunflower Seed Snack" partner for your organization? If not, you could be leaving some real dollars/trade value on the table (especially in the baseball world).

Why? Teams can provide sunflower seed companies with performance level visibility (within the dugout/bench area, as pictured on the right with the branded blue crates) and direct access to team personnel (players, coaching staff, staff).

To complement performance level placement/direct personnel access, organizations can also offer sunflower seed companies banner placement throughout the concourse (near concessions), on-site product sampling, rights to marks for package labeling, and access to a sponsor support system that facilitates cross promotions with other team sponsors (e.g. if your organization has a grocery store/c-store/wholesale retail partner).

The leading sunflower seed companies are:

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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