Text Qwest and Receive a Personalized Adrian Peterson Photo...
Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 09:52AM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

Is your brand looking to reach consumers via text messaging? Are you looking to provide consumers with a personalized giveaway?

Qwest is currently a very cool promotional offer that enables consumers to receive a free personalized Adrian Peterson photo in their inbox. According to Mylocalpub.wordpress.com, consumers simply have to:

1) Text Adrian (add a space) Your First Name (add a space) Your Email Address to the Qwest shortcode: 95495

2)Consumers with a compatible smartphone may click the URL in Qwest’s response text message to see their personalized digital autograph photo. Otherwise, they will will receive a personalized digital autographed photo in their email inbox momentarily.

The text promotion serves as a great way for Qwest to connect with Vikings fans throughout the Minnesota/Dakotas region. With fans looking for personalized content, this is a very effective messaging tool if consumers are willing to click through to Qwest's content. Thus far, the program has proven to be widely successful.

Here is a quick snapshot of the personalized photo that consumers receive in their inbox shortly after texting in their promotional code:

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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