LSU Athletics Goes Green with South Coast Solar
Friday, November 13, 2009 at 05:16PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas, college go green, energy sponsor, football environment, football green, lsu mobile, lsu tiger one, south coast solar, sports environment, sports green efforts, sports utility, tiger one mobile, utility sponsor

Are you looking for new ways to implement green initiatives on gameday? Are you looking for new ways to power mobile vehicle units?

Earlier this football season, LSU Sports Properties announced a partnership between LSU Athletics and New Orleans-based South Coast Solar, Louisiana’s largest solar power company.  As part of the agreement, South Coast Solar will provide power to Tiger One, a 40-foot trailer used for LSU home games as a hospitality area on one side and a mobile radio studio on the other.  On September 12th, LSUSP produced the first solar-powered football pregame show in the history of radio.

LSU Athletics' partnership with South Coast Solar highlights the University’s efforts to “go green,” as the Tiger One mobile unit was previously powered by a gas generator.  South Coast Solar's partnership also includes radio spots and live mentions promoting South Coast Solar as the power provider of Tiger One.  South Coast Solar also benefits from the Tiger One being situated near several corporate hospitality areas, offering company officials the opportunity to network with other business executives looking to ut costs through solar energy.

Check out some pictures of the new solar powered Tiger One mobile unit below:


A special thanks to Chris Kosmala of LSU Sports Properties for his insights and contributions to this column.     

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