Charles Schwab Connects with Consumers via Golf Pro
Sunday, December 13, 2009 at 10:22PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas, champions tour, charles schwab golf, charles schwab hank haney, charles schwab sponsor, golf investing, golf tips, hank haney golf tips, mental game assessment, pga tour haney, talk to a pro, talk to chuck golf, tiger woods hank haney

Are you looking for new ways to speak directly to high class, middle-aged consumers? Are you looking for new ways to leverage sports without spending large sums of money on official partnership agreements?

Charles Schwab, the Official Investment Firm of the PGA Tour and the Champions Tour, recently launched a creative messaging campaign that speaks directly to its middle-aged, affluent consumer base. The company created a "Talk to a Pro" campaign that enables consumers to receive a series of tips from Tiger Woods' swing coach Hank Haney.

Schwab is supporting the campaign with the messaging philosophy that states "Whether you need help with your investments or your golf game, sometimes it helps to talk to a pro."

The exclusive Hank Haney video series features five (5) vignettes detailing Haney's philosophies of golf and seven (7) videos offering exclusive tips for golfers. On the microsite, consumers can also take a Mental Game Assessment and experiment with a variety of investing tools. The firm is supporting the campaign with features on its official Facebook page.

Charles Schwab's partnership with Hank Haney serves as a great benchmark for companies looking for new ways to connect with avid sports fans/participants without paying large sums of rights fees. Although Schwab has a significant investment as an Official PGA Tour and Champions Tour sponsor, this effective PSA agreement could have likely been done without an Official affiliation.

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