AT&T is All About Activation at the Final Four...
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at 09:10PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas

Are you looking to ramp up your Final Four activation? Are you looking for new ways to leverage mobile marketing partners?

AT&T did a fantastic job leveraging its status as an Official Partner of the NCAA around the 2009 NCAA Final Four. AT&T featured a variety of interactive mobile exhibits for fans to enjoy. Below is a quick rundown of some of the exhibits AT&T featured on-site as part of its "AT&T Arena" footprint:

Overall AT&T Arena Footprint

More Bars in More Places Shootout - If contestants could make a basket from each bar, he/she would be entered for a chance to win two (2) tickets to the NCAA Championship

AT&T at the Half Video Play-by-Play -The exhibit enabledfans to put their broadcasting skills to the test as theyperformed play-by-play ofthe most exciting plays in college basketball history

Naismith Trophy Trophy and Trivia Exhibits

Autograph Station

Variety of Interactive Games (Pictionary, Family Feud, Guitar Heroetc.)

Product Trial

Source: Flickr Photos - chubbyrwb

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