U.S. Open Fans Caption the Action...
Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 02:45PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas, camera sponsor, caption it, film sponsor, john mcenroe u.s. open, tennis caption, tennis fans, tennis photo, u.s. open

Are you looking for new ways to leverage a corporate partner specializing in film and photography? Are you looking to add new interactive features on your team home page?

The U.S. Open has teamed up with Wilson to create a tremendous interactive "Caption It" feature that fans can enjoy on the tournament's official website. Each day during the tournament, U.S. Open officials post a unique image depicting the action and personalities off the court. The "Caption It" feature allows fans to go on to the tournament website and post their favorite creative captions and also see what other fans have to say.

The "Caption It" feature is tremendous because it:

Article originally appeared on Partnership Activation (http://partnershipactivation.squarespace.com/).
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