The Big Game 2 Proved Huge for Samsung Mobile and Vodafone
Monday, February 8, 2010 at 11:06PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas, big game, big game 2, rugby activation, rugby marketing, rugby samsung, rugby sponsor, rugby vodafone, samsung sponsor, samsung vodafone, twickenham stadium, vodafone 360 samsung h1, vodafone sponsor

Are you looking for effective ways to leverage premier sporting events? Are you looking to align with multiple brands to activate on-site?

Samsung Mobile and Vodafone teamed up to feature a tremendous activation campaign at the Big Game 2, a rugby match played between the Harlequins and Wasps at Twickenham Stadium in January. The two (2) brands aligned their activation efforts to support the launch of the Vodafone 360 Samsung H1 Handset, the first Samsung offering to deliver Vodafone's new social networking and entertainment Internet services.

Check out their on-site activation efforts in this terrific 5:30 video recap below!

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