Budweiser Scores with PoolBall Concept in Nightlife Settings
Monday, April 25, 2011 at 11:14PM
Brian Gainor in Partnership Ideas, anheuser-busch poolball, beer promotion, beer retail, budweiser argentina, budweiser pool ball, budweiser poolball, budweiser soccer, pool ball, poolball, poolball argentina, poolball video, promotion

Anheuser-Busch recently teamed up with Ogilvy Argentina to create a brilliant interactive game designed to engage soccer enthusiasts in nightlife settings. The collaborating parties developed an exclusive "PoolBall" event that allows teams to compete head-to-head in a game that resembles pool but is played by using soccer skills.

At several pubs throughout Buenos Aires, Anheuser-Busch set up a massive 7x3 meter pool table that served as the stage for the event. Teams were challenged with kicking 15 soccer balls, reskinned to resemble pool balls, into goals positioned in place of each of the pockets of a pool table. The interactive game was designed to drive awareness and engagement around AB's Budweiser brand.

The "PoolBall" concept has certainly generated a significant amount of buzz across the world in a matter of days/weeks and will likely surface in the United States at some point. Look for PoolBall to take place at a pub near you!


Source: Creativity-Online.com

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