The Best Hockey Race You've Never Seen...
Thursday, December 31, 2009 at 10:03PM
Brian Gainor in Promotions / In-Venue Activation, applebees hockey, applebees promotion, applebees sponsor, fan contest, fan ice, fan promotion, ice race, intermission, nhl sponsor, thrashers applebees, thrashers promotion, thrashers sponsor

Are you looking to add a little humor to your on-ice entertainment? Are you looking for new ways to promote QSR partners?

The Atlanta Thrashers recently held a hilarious on-ice race between three fans competing as Applebees entree items... As you watch the race, you will notice that the Thrashers called on the team's mascot and an inflatable sumo wrestler to add some excitement to the race.

A must see... Check it out:

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