Are you looking to sell some unique baseball inventory? Are you interested in seeing some of baseball's finest unique branding pieces?
Enclosed below are three creative branding tactics that Major League teams have recently implemented:
Topps Starting Lineup - New York Mets (Shea Stadium)
What is it? The New York Mets and Topps collaborated to create the Topps Starting Lineup at the ticket box office. The Starting Lineup features nine photos that resemble Topps trading cards situated above the box office that alert Mets fans which players will be starting that game.
How can Topps take it to the next level? To commemorate the final season at Shea Stadium, Topps could have implemented a unique promotion at the box office to spur artificial demand among Mets fans. Topps could create a stir at the box office (and attract card collectors from around the nation) by distributing limited edition packs of trading cards (three per pack) to all Mets fans picking up their tickets at the box office. Topps could distribute vintage Mets cards (e.g. Mookie Wilson/David Wright signed cards, cards from the organization's early existence) in randomly distributed packs.
Who else can utilize the Starting Lineup Inventory?
- Camera Companies - A company like Canon can create an interactive set on-site where consumers can have their pictures taken and featured as a tenth player on the Starting Lineup board (or have their face replace David Wright's on the Starting Lineup board)
- Team apparel company - The team's apparel company looking to promote their new products, etc.
- Local Photography Company
- Any company who emphasizes customer service (a company like FedEx could potentially be interested in placing the faces of their key employees in-market next to the faces of the team's starting players above the box office)

MetLife Countdown Clock - New York Yankees (Yankee Stadium)
What is it? The New York Yankees collaborated with MetLife to create an interactive "MetLife Countdown Clock" at Yankee Stadium. The clock commemorates the last season at Yankee Stadium and serves as a great messaging tool for consumers to realize that they need to secure a life insurance policy with MetLife (as their days are numbered). Each game, a former Yankee or a NY celebrity pulls a lever as the MetLife sign flashes the number of regular season games remaining at Yankee Stadium (Note: Lincoln features a similar Countdown Clock at Shea Stadium).
How can the Yankees take it to the next level? To really make the signage resonate with Yankees fans, MetLife could giveaway free life insurance consulting/$$$ to 81 lucky Yankees fans throughout the season.
Who else can utilize the Countdown Clock?
- Teams, similar to the Yankees and Mets, who are closing their existing facility to move into a new one
- Teams that are on pace to set a record (or feature a player on the team who is on pace to set a record) can sell a sponsorship around a Countdown Clock
- Teams can feature a Countdown Clock in-venue that shows how many games are left until the playoffs (the team in this case has to be successful)
- Movies/apparel companies that have countdowns established for releases/product launches
- Brands with upcoming anniversary dates (e.g. Hershey's 100th anniversary)

Minute Maid Squeeze Play Signage - Houston Astros (Minute Maid Park)
What is it? The Houston Astros created an exclusive play area for kids to enjoy interactive games at the ballpark called the Minute Maid Squeeze Play. Located in the northeast corner of the ballpark, the Minute Maid Squeeze Play also features a juice bar where fans can enjoy slushies, sit at picnic tables, and watch several television screens.
How can the Astros take it to the next level? Bring the "Squeeze Play" to life. Every time the Houston Astros score on a squeeze play (where a batter bunts the ball, enabling the runner on third to score), all fans in the crowd (or all families lounging in the Minute Maid Squeeze Play Area) should win a coupon/sampling of Minute Maid (either by redeeming a code featured on the video board, receiving a mobile coupon, or receiving a coupon at the gate on their way out.
Who else can utilize "The Squeeze Play"?
- Financial companies and wholesale retailers targeting consumers who feel like their wallets are being squeezed in the troubling economy. Offer fans a chance to win every time the team completes a squeeze play at home.
- In 2005, Crayola created 'squeeze' packaging for kids -that could also be another idea to leverage
- Any companies that sell orange juice or other fresh offerings (Tropicana, Tesco Value Pure Orange Juice)
- Soap companies selling squeeze dispensers
- Condiments companies (if this is a competency that they are marketing)