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    Create Brand Extensions that Deliver Results...

    nike%20%20ipod.bmpIn its latest tactic to target consumers while they are exercising, Nike has teamed with Apple to bring the Nike + iPod experience to gyms around the globe this summer. The two (2) innovative companies are working with gym equipment manufacturers to make gym equipment Nike + iPod compatible.

    Why? To enable gym users to have the ability to track their workouts by simply plugging their iPod nano into their gym equipment. Using the technology, users can track their progress (using data converted to CardioMiles); setting goals and making challenges on and interacting with personal trainers to chart progress. To date, Nike + iPod users have logged nearly 50 million miles on the website (in less than two years!).

    This serves as a prime example for how two (2) leading corporations are using creative brand extensions to target consumers. Which leads to the question, does your team/organization think intuitively to create brand extensions? Do simple opportunities exist your local marketplace? Derek Jeter, among others, has recently begun to opening exclusive gyms. Do opportunities exist for teams/organizations to take advantage of this? (i.e. working with an exclusive team corporate partner to enhance and brand a local gym, branding special workout equipment that the team uses in gyms).

    Many synergies exist for teams to align with gyms, local places of exercise, and products; why don't we see more activity in this space? Thinking outside the box can lead to some unique brand extension opportunities!

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