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    What Happens When Michael Jordan Takes on a CEO in a Game of Hoops?

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see Michael Jordan battle some of the world's greatest businessmen in a game of basketball?

    The Wall Street Journal recently released a great piece of footage from 2003 that shows Michael Jordan trying to teach Ariel Investments CEO and Chairman John Rogers a thing or two about basketball... the only problem is that Rogers actually is the one whotakes Jordan to school.

    Check it out below:

    In sports business today, we repeatedly see companies spending large sums of dollars to align with the world's greatest athletes. Will we soon see similar viral pieces emerge on the web of athletes performing in 1-on-1 competitions with representatives from sponsoring partners? Tiger Woods playing a round of golf for an extra $50K? Probably not, but it would make for some great, authentic viral awareness!

    A special thanks to Kynon Codrington of ESPNRise.comfor passing this piece along...

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