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    Leverage Team Personalities to Promote Upcoming Flicks!

    LakersLogo250.jpgHave you considered targeting film companies/music labels as corporate partners? Have you considered using team personalities to drive viral marketing efforts (for both internal and partnership purposes)?

    The Los Angeles Lakers recently partnered with Columbia Pictures to create a unique vignette to promote the movie "21". The team leveraged the personalities of Ronny Turiaf and Michael Cooper to film an "At the Cinema" feature that showed previews and outtakes of the upcoming film. The Lakers did a tremendous job integrating the personalities of Turiaf and Cooper to promote the film (Turiaf currently wears #21 for the Lakers; Cooper is a former Lakers star who wore #21).

    The Lakers posted the vignette on YouTube and supported it with messaging on various blogs and message boards to drive awareness and viral buzz.

    Overall, a great initiative by the Lakers organization! See the feature below:

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