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Entries by Brian Gainor (237)


Use SMS Messaging to Capture Post-Game Traffic

Are you looking for new ways to utilize partnerships to drive retail traffic? Are you looking for new technology that will help you capitalize on consumer interests? Are you looking for new ways to support QSR partners?

Teams and sponsors alike should consider brainstorming effective ways to utilize SMS messaging to drive store traffic post-game. Mango Mobile, among other leading technological based companies, have aligned with many leading companies (e.g. McDonalds) to create powerful mobile coupon programs that are geared to drive store traffic. But, how so?

The Atlanta Braves could create a text-mobile coupon program that rewards fans every time the Braves hit two (2) home runs during a game. The Braves and Chick-Fil-A can create unique "Two for $2" video board and LED messaging to drive awareness for the home run driven promotion each game. Every time the Braves hit two (2) home runs, the team can post:

  • LED Ribbon Board messaging that says, "Fans, text  "Braves" to "2424U" to receive a coupon for a Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich for only $2 after the game"
  • Video Board Messaging that explains to fans in attendance that they will receive a mobile coupon, good for a $2 chicken sandwich at all local Chick-Fil-A retail locations for up to four (4) hours after the game. All fans who text "Braves" to the select number will receive a mobile coupon sent directly to their cell phone by the end of the game. To redeem the coupon for a $2 Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich, fans would then only have to show the cashier their mobile coupon to receive the discount.

McDonalds has been implementing similar initiatives overseas (pushing late night meals after consumers go to movies, clubs, and other forms of entertainment). It is only a matter of time before we start to see more sports teams in the United States incorporate such technology to drive retail traffic!

While this strategy may not be as effective for some big-box retailers such as Best Buy and Target (are consumers in the mindset to go shopping immediately after attending a game?), there could be some real value here for restaurant/QSR and apparel partners.


Looking for New Ways to Integrate Auto Sponsors?

Are you looking for new ways to integrate auto sponsors into your halftime entertainment? Are you looking for ways to make auto partners a part of the action instead of as a complimentary prize?

Face Team, the halftime performers of the 2006 Hungarian All-Star basketball game, found a unique way to integrate the game's supporting automobile sponsor into their halftime entertainment piece. The group of acrobatic dunkers wheeled a car onto the court and set up a trampoline for Aron Takacs, their leading performer, to jump over while completing a dunk. The on-court promotion integrating the automobile sponsor into the mix captured the attention of thousands of fans in attendance.

The three clips enclosed belowcapture potential ways for teams to integrate auto partners into their game/online entertainment:

The first clip captures the Hungarian All-Star game events and integration

The second clip profiles an athlete that jumped over an automobile at a street basketball event (Kobe-esque) - This clip was included to demonstrate that your organization does not need to bring in an acrobatic act to complete this stunt. There are some individuals who potentially could be brought in to specifically perform the dunk.

The third clip demonstrates how automobile partners can incorporate their offerings into video games (see the 1:05 mark) The third clip demonstrates how users can jump over cars in the video game NBA 2K8. Organizations can also potentially offer similar offerings by featuring an interactive game on their website that enables users to jump over the new Ford Focus, etc. 


Are You Looking to Make Your Signage Pop?

Are you looking to make your signage pop in-venue? Are you looking for a new inventory piece that has proved successful internationally but has yet to be implemented in the United States?

There is a company called Logo Paint ( that specializes in creating 3D signage and field boards for a variety of sports (soccer, motor sports, basketball, hockey, tennis, volleyball, etc.). Logo Paint patented its signage product in 1997 and is now one of the world's largest suppliers of 3D signs to sport arenas and events in the world. The company currently delivers 3D signs and technology to 30+ countries, either directly or through associated companies, partners or agencies.

Logo Paint's two (2) primary products are:

  • 3D Signage
  • 3D Field Boards

Logo Paint will be one of the "next big things" in the United States as teams continuously look to provide supporting partners new ways to capture their target audience. It is only a matter of time before we begin to see this state-of-the-art signage piece pop up everywhere from NASCAR tracks to basketball courts to MLB fields.

Logo Paint's contact for the United States is based out of Brazil, look for more companies specializing in this product to expand into the United States:


Mr. Eduardo Leite

Rua Conde de Irajá, 260 3º andar

22271-020 Rio de Janeiro (RJ)  BRAZIL

Phone: + 55 21 25 37 47 79 Fax: + 55 21 22 86 83 19

E-mail: eduardoleite(at)


Utilize Unique Beach Signage to Promote Brands...

Are you looking for a new inventory piece to promote your partnerships and promotions in tropical markets? Are you looking to drive awareness for your in-market activation among thousands of beach-goers?

The signage featured to the right demonstrates a way for brands and teams alike to capture the attention of thousands of beach-goers during the summer months. A beach branding piece provides an excellent way to drive awareness in an uncluttered environment where consumers are receptive to unique messaging.

This tactic could prove to be an effective branding piece for the following parties:

  • Brands looking to promote their AVP partnerships/promotions in the local marketplace
  • Professional franchises located in tropical markets (i.e. Teams located in Florida, California, etc.)
  • Minor league teams located in high tourism markets (i.e. the Atlantic City Surf minor league baseball team could implement similar signage displaying their game times so consumers are aware that when they leave the beach at 3pm, they have the option of attending a game later that night)
  • International soccer organizations looking to promote beach soccer
  • Companies looking to leverage their Air Show partnerships
  • Corporate partners looking for additional exposure at Red Bull Flugtag events
  • Apparel / surfing companies looking to drive consumer awareness for products, etc.
  • Boating / Jet Ski manufacturers
  • Golf courses looking to drive awareness for their nearby links

Could We See Baseline Branding Soon in the NBA?

Are you looking for a new inventory piece to sell in the NBA? Are you interested in how sponsorships are being sold in foreign basketball leagues?

Consider baseline branding, a tactic implemented by the Super Basketball League (SBL) in Taiwan. Founded in 2003, the Super Basketball League is the top tier professional basketball league in Taiwan. As the pictures to the right demonstrate, the SBL has aligned with Nike to brand the basketball court's baselines with Nike's symbol and "Just Do It" messaging.

While Nike's on-court branding appears sharp and pleasing to the eye, it does make the court look very commercial and is an inventory peice that professional basketball organizations could swing either way on. However, it's only a matter of time before an team tests the waters with this asset, especially for a area naming rights partner.

Then again, take a look at how the SBL also incorporates corporate messaging into the paint... Could that signal a future trend as well?

Sumo Wrestling Sponsorship Takeaways...

Have you ever considered the impact that sponsorships have had on the world of sumo wrestling? Have you ever considered what efforts sponsors make to have a lasting impact on consumers?

Sponsorships in sumo wrestling is traditionally centered around individual fighters and divisional matches; companies do not sponsor the sport of sumo wrestling as a whole. A sport rich with tradition, sumo wrestling primarily consists of two (2) fighters duking it out on a mat. With limited activation/branding opportunities available, sponsors have resorted to having persons walk around the ring prior to the match holding a flag that features their company logo.

But for a company looking to escape the clutter in boxing/wrestling/ultimate fighting, couldn't a similar strategy be effective? For example, a company like Red Bull (who targets young males) could send four (4) models out onto the mat prior to a match holding the company's flag in each corner of the ring. Complementing this performance level branding with some product sampling (distributing Red Bull as consumers exit the arena), Red Bull could leave a lasting impression on consumers. In addition, many tanning salons and fitness centers could implement similar initiatives (send four (4) models who use their tanning salon/gym) to the four corners of the floor during a timeout, displaying a self-promoting banner).

Corporate sponsors normally commit 60,000 yen towards title sponsorships of divisional matches. Of this, the winning wrestler usually nets 30,000 yen (referred to as a kenshokin). More to come on the presence of sponsorships in the sumo world...


Leveraging the Periods of Play to Your Benefit...

Are you looking for new performance level inventory to offer corporate partners?Are you looking for an interesting way to leverage partners within the financial and tax sector?

The Washington Wizards features a unique piece of on-court signage during their home contests at the Verizon Center – signage that dictates the quarters of play. The Wizards signage, held by the team’s dancers courtside, mirrors ring cards displayed in the sport of boxing.

This is a great branding piece that teams can potentially sell to corporate partners. Organizations can consider selling such inventory to financial, tax, and accounting firms who may be looking to sell consumers on different services that they provide during specific quarters of the year.

For example, the Washington Wizards can sell “1st Quarter and 4th Quarter” signage to firms like H&R Block that specialize in tax service offerings during the first and fourth quarter periods of the year. The Wizards can accompany this signage with PA Announcements, video board vignettes, and an ribbon board LED presence to increase consumer retention levels amongst fans seated throughout the arena.

The same tactics can be applied within the NFL/AFL (quarters) and the NHL (overtime – utilizing a cell phone partner, e.g. Are you using overtime minutes?).

Fans take pride in saying that the fourth quarter belongs to their team. Take advantage of this by incorporating your supporting partners’ brand objectives into the messaging mix.


Score With Soccer Net Branding...

Are you looking for a unique way to separate your brand in the soccer and hockey space? Are you looking to capitalize on branding successes from relative sports?

In recent years, Allstate has captured significant attention in the collegiate space with its branded field goal nets. Through the creative branding initiative, Allstate effectively portrayed its “Your in Good Hands with Allstate” messaging when field goals were kicked through the uprights and into the Allstate hands.

As consumer awareness grew for this unique branding tactic, competitors within the insurance category raced to brand similar performance-level assets that garner high media impressions (e.g. State Farm branding the basketball hoop arm at many Universities).

But when will this creative tactic be introduced in the soccer space, particularly in Major League Soccer and the Premiership? Brands looking to separate themselves from the rest of the pack within these leagues should consider asking for and implementing such a tactic that can provide considerable media impressions, especially during the penalty kick stage of premier events.

Per the direction of the league and/or teams, soccer net branding can either face in (facing the action captured on television) or face out (as shown above), capturing the attention of fans seated behind the goal (but it would have to be in a non-intrusive manner).

Here are some ways that brands can benefit from soccer net branding:

Brand Awareness

  • Target – The mass retailer could brand the four corners of the net with its signature logo. The “Target logos” would appear to be targets for the shooter (in this case, the net could be branded or the logos could be artificially put in (similar to the first down line in the NFL)
  • Other potential brands could include: Allstate (and companies withlogos that also are applicable), Mastercard,etc.

Product Trial & Promotion

  • A beverage/product company can brand all four (4) corners of the net and offer a promotion where all consumers in attendance will win a free XXX if a player on the home team hits one of the targets during regulation. The provider can also make the branding consumer-facing by offering similar nets with brand targets setup throughout the concourse and interactive levels.

Retail Traffic and Sales Drivers

  • Retailers and QSR’s can set up tournament-long promotions offering a free XXX or discount off purchase every time a select player (e.g. David Beckham) scores a penalty kick goal that appears to hit one of the targets. This type of promotion will drive incremental interest throughout tournament play, which can extend over a lengthy period.

Targeting Young Consumers?

Are your corporate partners targeting teens, young adults, and college consumers? Are you looking to provide your partners with vital consumer behavior information on young consumers that will help guide their sports strategy?

Here are a few interesting nuggets of information on young adults:

Video Game Purchases/Activity (Source: Brands Increasingly View Videogame Placement as Viable Ad Platform. Youth Markets Alert, 7.15.08)

  • 75% of teens own at least one console or portable gaming system and intend to purchase 3.1 games in 2008 (up from 2.5 games in 2007)
  • Teens want video games to mirror their real world environment, so they expect to see brand placement 
    • Note: The cost of entry for Videogame integration can range from a couple hundred thousand dollars (i.e. billboard ads in-game) to $3-$4MM (customized games, static immersion)       

Translation: Video gaming is a booming industry that provides marketers with an engagement medium where consumers are receptive to advertising. Marketers must get in early before demand drives prices high. 

Mobile Marketing (Source: Mobile Marketing Partnership Targets Urban Multicultural Youth. Youth Markets Alert, 7.15.08)

  • 20% of young urban multiculturals say they contact 50 people by text message every day, compared to 1% of non-urban Americans
  • African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian consumers are more likely than Caucasians to buy products using mobile texting (e.g. text "food" to 1234 to order pizza). Caucasian consumers tend to purchase either by visiting a company's website via their mobile phone or by using a traditional computer
  • 56% of teens are receptive to cell phone advertising if they get something in return (in comparison to 37% of adults)
  • Cash is the most preferred incentive among teens (70%), entertainment-related downloads ranks second (61%), free music ranks third (57%), and complimentary minutes ranks fourth (53%)  
  • Teens prefer to receive ads via text messaging (64%) or picture images (47%)
  • 70% of teens are interested in receiving sports, entertainment, and travel mobile ads (in comparison to 46% of adults) - this is the highest category among teens

Translation: Mobile advertising is an extremely effective medium for engaging young adults; however, marketers must be aware of the cultural differences (target text redemption at minorities; target online/mobile redemption at Caucasian young adults). Marketers can develop highly effective programs by offering reimbursement for the time and attention of our targeted consumers.

Financial Interests / Payment Processes (Source: College Kids Most Likely to Buy Products Using Debit Cards. Youth Markets Alert, 7.15.08)

  • 72% of college students say they are "likely or very likely" to use a debit card while making a purchase, according to a study conducted by online bank Higher One (In comparison, just 16% use credit cards)
  • 70% of college students go online to check account balances at least once per week; 33% check daily
  • 22% of college students own stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or money market accounts
  • Students take charge of their own finances at an average age of 18.8 years

Translation: Gear financial programs targeting college students are debit card usage and create unique ways to integrate offerings into online banking

Gift Cards (Source: Teens Not As Eager to Use Gift Cards. Youth Markets Alert, 6.1.08)

  • 52% of teens redeemed a gift card within one (1) month of receipt in Spring 2008, representing a decline from 2007 (Fall 2007 - 58%, Spring 2007 - 59%)
  • 89% of teens redeem their gift cards within nine (9) months (87% within six (6) months, 77% within three (3) months)
  • The top gift cards that teens prefer to get in Spring 2008 are: Mall gift card (10%), Hollister (8%), Best Buy (7%), Nordstrom (6%), Abercrombie & Fitch (4%), Target (4%), Forever 21 (4%), Wal-Mart (4%)

Translation: While demand for gift cards has shown a relative dropoff, the industry overall is still strong. Count on young adults redeeming gift cards in their possession, just not within the first six (6) months. Align gift card initiatives with brands that young adults perceive to be "cool" and "fashionable".

Travel (Source: College Kids Flee the Country. Youth Markets Alert, 6.1.08)

  • 64% of college students have a valid passport (Note: College students are nearly twice as likely as the general population to have a passport)
  • 89% of college students have traveled internationally at least once in the past five (5) years (24% have traveled internationally four (4) times or more in the past give (5) years)

Translation: Creating promotions that offer college students an international excursion or international trip with friends may not be a bad idea... They are more well-traveled than you might expect. Consider this when aligning with corporate partners like Orbitz, Expedia, and STA Travel.

Car Purchasing Decisions (Source: Factors in Car Purchasing Decisions, Then and Now. Youth Markets Alert, 7.1.08)

  • Fuel efficiency and reliability are the two (2) factors that young adults aged 18-23 are most interested in when purchasing cars (Note: adults say that car appearance and style mattered most to them when purchasing their first car)
  • Only four (4) percent of young adults say they care about the look and style for their first car
  • The largest number of young adults (37%) plan to pay $10-25K for their first vehicle

Translation: Car makers know their brand and target market better than anyone. When you pitch a proposal or piece of signage, make sure that you realize the exact purchasing interests of consumers. Gear automobile promotions targeting young adults/college consumers around fuel efficiency and reliability; once the economy changes, these interests may also change.

 Print Interests While in College (Source: Print Still Rules on College Campuses. Youth Markets Alert, 7.1.08)

  • 76% of students read their college newspaper at least once per month; only 20% have accessed their campus newspaper online during the same timeframe
  • 50% of college students read at least three (3) issues per week; 30% read their college newspaper daily
  • 53% of college students read their school's paper while on campus (just 29% read at home)
  • 61% of college students tell friends about articles or promotions they see
  • 78% of college students use coupons or promotional codes featured in their newspapers

Translation: Print remains an effective way to reach the college populous, especially if you can find creative ways to target this demographic through promotional offers, coupons, and promotional codes. There may not be a need to advertise daily, but it may be wise to invest enough to capture the attention of the "3-times-per-week" crowd.

Gas Purchases (Source: Teens are Charging Gas. Youth Markets Alert, 7.1.08)

  • 69% of teens use credit cards to purchase gas (in comparison to 52% in 2007) - gas is the item most likely to be charged by teens
  • 10% of teens use credit cards (approximately 15% say that their parents pay the bill)

Translation: Targeting teens at the pump is probably not a wise idea for sports marketers (since their parents foot the bill anyway), but if it is done, gear it around a credit card promotional program.


The Brewers Hit the Jackpot with Powerball...

Are you looking for an effective way to leverage a lottery partner?

The Milwaukee Brewers currently feature "The Powerball Home Run Leaderboard" on their team website. The interactive web feature enables Brewers fans to see the top five (5) home runs of the week and provides detailed information on the team's home run totals. The feature is unique in the way that it is presented (click through the link to see) to users on the Brewers' site.

Are you looking to implement a similar tactic? Organizations in other sports leagues can consider pitching similar "Powerball" web tactics:

  • Basketball Organization - Element displaying the top three (3) pointers of the week
  • Tennis Organization - Element displaying the top five (5) serves/aces of the week
  • Golf - Element displaying the top five (5) drives of the week
  • Football - Element displaying the top five (5) field goals of the week