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Mars Offers Fans Unique SB Experiences...

Are you looking for ways to provide fans with unique experiences? Are you looking to create a promotion that offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Mars recently announced that it is offering a promotion that will reward one (1) lucky fan with the chance to fly to Miami for Super Bowl XLIV and celebrate on the field with the Super Bowl Champion during the post-game celebration. For a chance to win the sweepstakes, consumers must key in product UPC codes at from Dec. 26, 2008 to Feb. 1, 2009. Mars brands participating in the promotion include Snickers, M&M's, 3 Musketeers, Milky Way, and Twix.

Mars is also leveraging its Snickers brand to execute a "Live Your Super Bowl Fantasy" sweepstakes that will send seventeen (17) lucky consumers to Super Bowl XLIII in Tampa, FL. The sweepstakes, which will run nationally from September 7, 2008 to December 28, 2008, will reward fans with tickets and VIP hospitality for the big game. For a chance to win the sweepstakes, consumers must visit and submit a unique code that is featured on all single Snickers bars bearing the "Live Your Super Bowl Fantasy" logo. Snickers is using Michael Strahan to promote the sweepstakes.

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