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Nike Uses Guerrilla Mobile Campaign to Promote New Soccer Shoe...

Are you looking for some ideas on ways to create a unique mobile 3D program? Is your company considering ways to capitalize on guerrilla marketing efforts?


In June, Nike created a unique mobile campaign designed to promote the launch of the company’s T90 soccer shoe and enhance the company’s image as an innovative leader in the Hong Kong marketplace.


Nike collaborated with McCann Erikson to create a campaign that featured hundreds of hidden code markers throughout Nike stores and MTR subway stations in Hong Kong. Consumers who found markers could point their phone at it to reveal a rotating image of the new Nike T90 soccer shoe. Each marker would also provide the consumer with a special code that was unique to that location.  After receiving the special codes, consumers could text them in to discover the next secret marker location. 


To engage consumers, Nike offered a special sweepstakes that enabled consumers to have a chance to win Nike merchandise every time they texted in the special codes. In essence, the more marker codes that consumers collected, the better chance they had to win free Nike swag.


The promotion proved to be widely successful in the Hong Kong marketplace. It is interesting to see Nike capitalize on technology in such a unique way. Hopefully we will see a similar guerrilla campaign soon in the United States.


For more information on the promotion, check out a great article by

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