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Coca-Cola Zero Offers Interactive Online Experiences for Sports Fans

Are you looking to enhance your website with interactive web applications? Are you looking for new ways to capture the attention and interests of consumers online?

Coca-Cola Zero partnered with Crispin Porter Bogusky to create an incredible interactive website for Coke Zero. The site effectively demonstrates how the Coke Zero brand is intertwined in the sports space. The company, targeting the hard-to-reach young male demo, created a handful of virtual experiences for football and NASCAR fans, including:

  • A "Victory Dance" feature where consumers can create their own personalized victory dance (a feature that mirror's Office Depot's Dancing Elves) and can email it to friends
  • A NASCAR "Rooftop Racer" game where consumers have to try to race around a track for 5 laps while balancing a Coke Zero bottle on top of the car - this is the best online NASCAR interactive feature available online!
  • A "Fan Cards" feature where consumers can spell out messages that are displayed in a card display by virtual fans
  • A "Championship Ring" feature where consumers can create their own customized virtual Championship Ring

Hats off to Coca-Cola Zero for offering such a great interactive platform for consumers to enjoy...

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