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Looking to Drive Concessions or Merchandise Sales?

Are you looking for new ways to drive concessions and merchandise sales? Are you looking to leverage a partnership with a movie theater chain in the local marketplace?

McDonalds recently collaborated with operators from 225 cinemas across the UK to implement a unique promotion designed to drive consumers to purchase large sized meals and premium salads. The promotion enables all McDonalds consumers who purchase one of the two (2) aforementioned items to receive a free 2 for 1 cinema ticket voucher.

Upon ordering, consumers receive a peel off card with a unique 8 digit voucher code which can be redeemed online at print out the voucher, they simply have to provide their registered address and select a local cinema to redeem the coupon.The voucher can be redeemed for up to six months.

What are the implications here for sports franchises?

Sports organizations can create a similar promotion with a movie theater/theme park/entertainment property to help drive sales of a specific concessions item or designated merchandise itemin the team gift shop. Teams can create a simple promotional offer (offering coupons next to the cashier that can be distributed upon purchase of select items) or utilizetechnology (e.g.using anonline voucher redemption process) to drive web traffic and consumer engagement through multiple channels.

When would it be appropriate for a sports organization to implement such a promotion?

  • Whena sports property is in the last year of a contractual agreement with a concessions provider (e.g. Pepsi, etc.) and needs to drive gameday sales of a particular product
  • When a sports property is looking to sell new team merchandise (new jersey sales, etc.)
  • When a sports property is looking to drive ticket sales in a particular section (e.g. upper deck corners) and wants to find a unique way to leverage a retail/entertainment partner

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