Fans Want Coupons... So Give Them Coupons!

Are you looking for new ways to demonstrate value to fans attending games at your venue? Are you looking for ways to stimulate concessions sales?
A recent study by Packaged Facts revealed that consumers are clipping more coupons then ever. The report revealed:
- 89% of consumers say they are more likely to use coupons in a recession
- 87% of consumers say they prefer to shop at retailers who offer coupons
- The highest-earning segments of consumers are the most active coupon users - 71% of families who earn a household income of $75,000+ use
- Smaller households use more coupons than larger ones (2-person households use more coupons than those with 3 or 4 people)
- On-shelf coupons continue to be customers' favorite source of coupons, followed by color inserts in newspapers
If these facts hold true, what is your property currently doing to capitalize on the "coupon craze"? Here are a few ideas of ways that teams can utilize coupons in-venue:
- Distribute a sheet/packet of coupons to fans entering the arena that is good for discounts on food and concessions (even if its a $0.50 discount, it will well-accepted)
- Distribute coupon vouchers on the counters of concessions and merchandise stands (offering $1 off a purchase of $10 or more, etc.)
- Leverage grocery store/retail partners to feature exclusive store circulars at all concessions/merchandise locations in-venue
- Offer online coupons on the team website (therein driving web traffic) for concessions, merchandise, and ticket discounts
- Have ushers distribute group ticket discount offers to fans during intermission breaks
- Distribute holiday coupons to fans in-venue for merchandise available exclusively on the team's online store
- Distribute coupons to all fans entering stadium parking lots / enable retail partners to circulate stadium lots and distribute coupon packs to tailgaters
Marketing Tactics

Reader Comments (1)
I have seen coupon giving at other events and also in my local area and they seem to work really well - definately get a good turnout