Tiger Woods... As Your Caddy?

Molly Wurdack of the Miami Dolphins informed me of an incredible promotion that Buick is offering consumers: the chance to have Tiger Woods serve as your caddy for nine (9) holes on the South Course of Torrey Pines!
For a chance to win the promotion, contestants must register on www.teeoffwithtiger.com and be able to predict Woods' score for all 72 holes of any of the tournaments he plays through the PGA Tour Championship. The person who correctly guesses the most holes for each event will win Woods' courtesy car and a plaque signed by Woods. Each of the ten closest contestants will then become eligible for the grand prize. Buick is also offering rewarding consumers who check out the Buick vehicle tours on the website with the chance to win $25 gift certificates to the PGA Tour Superstore or Nike Golf as instant prizes.
Buick will support its creative "Tee Off With Tiger" promotion with an ad campaign, print, online, and radio components. The automobile manufacturer is set to purchase a front-page buy in the Wall Street Journal on Friday and will have a presence on FoxSports.com, AOL.com, and Weather.com.
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