Leveraging Insurance Partnerships...

I wanted to point a "best practice" for leveraging insurance partnerships through online integration. Arizona State is currently featuring a "Click Here for the Top 25 Allstate Agents" banner ad on their athletics website, SunDevils.CSTV.com.
Upon clicking on the website's featured side bar advertisement, Arizona State does a tremendous job profiling twenty-five (25) of the top agents in the local marketplace. The on-site integration serves as a very effective publicity piece for the company and each of its respective local agents (who have their contact information listed along with their picture in front of the Allstate field goal nets). When you have a moment, check the website feature out - it's great.
This "feature" format can also have applications to other sponsoring partners:
- Franchisees of local QSRs (Quick Service Restaurants) and Grocery Retail Locations
- Operators of Local C-Stores (Convenience Stores)
- Managers of Local Restaurants / Casual Dining Locations
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