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    Capture Activation with Ease!

    flipvideo.jpgAre you looking to provide your corporate partners with in-depth recaps? Are the quality of your recaps hindered by a having a lack of staff on game nights? If so, I have the perfect solution for you.

    Tonight I purchased a Flip Video Ultra, a $179 device that captures sixty (60) minutes of high quality video and sound and is small enough to fit in your pocket. The Flip Video Ultra is extremely easy to use and features a built-in USB latch. The portable video camera allows users to upload video footage immediately to their computers, serving as a very functional device. The camera also enables users to the ability to immediately sort, play back, and view all of the individual videos captured and is easy enough for Baby Boomers to use (there are only five buttons). Two AA Batteries power 60 minutes of footage.

    The Flip Video Ultra is a perfect device for capturing in-game activation for all of your corporate partners on game night. The device holds enough memory to capture all in-game elements (promotions, LED, fascia signage, courtside rotational, etc.) and provides for an extremely easy medium to upload and send videos to clients the very next morning. The device would also be an exceptional item to have on all mobile tours. 

    I will be testing out the Flip Video Ultra over the next few months, so if you would like some additional feedback, please email me at

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