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Boost Your Merchandise Sales with VIP Experiences...

miller%20high%20life.jpgWould you like to look like your favorite beer man? One would think that most persons would say no, but Americans are suprisingly fascinated with their favorite television icons.

To capitalize on this fact, Miller High Life recently launched a "Live the Life. Get the Gear." loyalty program that offers consumers an opportunity to own a Miller shirt like the one worn by William Middelbrooks during MHL's classic "Beer Delivery Man" ad campaign. But that's not it. Miller High Life drinkers can also receive free t-shirts, duffle bags, key chains, fire pits, baseball hats, screensavers, and boxer shorts - SIMPLY BY BUYING BEER.

All consumers have to do is register online at and create an account. Upon doing so, users can upload codes printed on specially marked Miller High Life packaging to redeem points for prizes. Miller has spread word about the site virally by enabling users to send e-cards to friends and colleagues who arent enrolled, inviting them to join.

Translation? If you are looking to drive web merchandise sales, adopt a similar "rewards model" that shows consumers additional value for their purchase. Develop unique ways that will persuade fans to want to purchase items on your team/organization's website versus shopping at the local Sports Authority, etc. Here are a few examples:

  • Develop an overall merchandise rewards model where all fans who purchase merchandise on the team website are capable of receiving VIP experiences
    • Teams would need to create a model similar to the one detailed above. This would require an integrated website with a turn-key process involving purchasing and S&H
  • Develop individual sales incentives designed to entice consumers using unique opportunities
    • Reward fans based on spend: The first fifteen (15) fans who spend $500 on the team website from Saturday, April 12th - Sunday April 13th will receive an exclusive meet-n-greet with select players during training camp
    • Reward fans based on number of items purchased: The first twenty-five (25) fans who purchase five (5) items on the team website will receive an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour on gameday
    • Reward fans based on purchase: The first one hundred (100) fans who purchase a jersey of a select player (i.e. draft pick, etc.) will receive an invitation to an exclusive event where they get to meet that specific player
    • Reward fans based on sex: The first 500 women/kids who purchase a jersey on the site will be invited to an exclusive Football 101 event at the stadium
    • Reward fans based on time of purchase: The first 1,000 fans who purchase a jersey during the preseason will receive an exclusive invite to a behind-the-scenes practice

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