Looking for Solutions for Your Recaps?
Recaps. A dreaded word for some in the sports sponsorship industry...
What are corporate partners expecting out of a recap? What content, photos, and results are appropriate to include? What are some ways that teams can over-deliver on their recaps?
Low budget teams and organizations should be aware that Adobe recently released a FREE 2.0 offering of its Photoshop program, entitled Adobe Photoshop Express. While the online program fails to offer all of the trinkets and tools that Adobe Photoshop CS3 includes, it does serve as a user-friendly way to improve the looks of your pictures and their lighting aesthetics. Users can run Photoshop Express in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari (no download required).
If you have a moment, check out the online program - it could greatly enhance your ability to prepare photos for recaps and various decks. At the very minimum, it is an upgrade from using the Paint tool!
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