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Memphis Grizzlies Leverage Stimulus Payment...

Season%20Stimulus%20Plan.jpgA few weeks ago I mentioned the fact that teams could create exclusive ticket offers that leverage stimulus packages that 130MM taxpaying Americans will be receiving from the U.S. government. Case in Point: The Memphis Grizzlies.

The Memphis Grizzlies have created a a unique season ticket offer for fans:

  • The Memphis Grizzlies Season Stimulus Plan - Offers fans the chance to trade in their $600 stimulus payments for two (2) season tickets and $25 in Grizz Bucks" (a savings of $1,045 off the regular single-game price) through July 4th. To redeem their checks for season tickets, all fans have to do is call 901.888.HOOP.

Here is a great quote from the Mike Redlick, Executive Vice President of Business Operations for the Grizzlies, that supports the promotion:

“The federal government’s economic stimulus plan could become your Grizzlies Season Stimulus Plan. If you’ve ever thought about buying season tickets, now is your chance. All you have to do is exchange the check the government is sending you and just like that you can own a pair of 2008-09 Grizzlies season tickets. Why use the money to buy a new television to watch the Grizzlies when you can see them in person all year long?”


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