Create Premium Value Out of Existing Ticket Inventory...

Teams have begun to maximize the space they have available in-venue to offer premium seating and are now looking for new, alternative mediums to drive pricing and premium value for fans (i.e. All-You-Can-Eat sections, etc.)...
So how can sports marketers counteract this issue? Create star-branded seating sections within the venue; areas that will drive the value of the seats (and likewise, the prices) by enhancing the fan's experience at the game...
What do I mean exactly?
The Miami Heat can drive premium value out of their existing ticket inventory by collaborating with Dwyane Wade, Wade's corporate partners, and existing team partners to create an exclusive section in the lower bowl of the American Airlines Arena, branded as the D-Wade section.
But how is this different than the typical branded sections you typically see in arenas across the nation? The difference lies in the integration and involvement of Wade's corporate partners and the team's existing partners...
Example: Brand Section 101 (a section that has 22 seats per row, 29 rows)
- Branding (and driving pricing) would equate to 638 seats in the section at a bump of $10/game
- $287,100 in increased profits (before incurred expenses)
- Drive incremental revenue from sponsors and/or player endorses for in-arena branding and fan access
- Use existing team and player sponsors to distribute premium items to this select section throughout the season
- Wade Sponsors
- Gatorade - Product trial / meet-n-greet
- Converse - Select couponing / discounts off Converse gear
- Topps - Limited edition Dwyane Wade trading cards
- T-Mobile - Exclusive phone downloads / ringtones
- Sean John - VIP Party featuring a Dwyane Wade appearance for ticket holders
- Additionally, offer season ticket holders VIP experiences and customized items/apparel
- Exclusive meet-n-greet opportunity pre/post-game
- Distribute Wade premium items (poster, rally towels)
- Exclusive parking section for fans seated in this section (potential tie-in for automobile partner)
Watch out for teams to develop similar unique extensions to drive the fan experience/ticket value for consumers and provide existing team/player sponsors with new avenues to have 1-to-1 personal interactions with fans!
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