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Cristiano Ronaldo Races a Bugatti...

I have enclosed a clip of some great Nike viral that was released in January of 2008... The clip profiles athlete performance (ala Kobe Bryant), this time pinning Cristiano Ronaldo in a head-to-head race against a Bugatti Veyron, the world's most powerful road car.

The viral launched on and does an incredible job touting Ronaldo's speed. While you are watching this clip, keep in mind the fact that Bugattis can reach top speeds of 253mph and can do 0-60mph in less than three (3) seconds... The ad is for Nike's Mercurial Vapor IV soccer cleats...

This is some great viral!


If you want to see more of what Cristiano Ronaldo can do on the soccer pitch, then check out the clip below, which showcases his ball handling skills in relation to Ronaldinho... There's no question why these two (2) players are considered the best in the world!


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