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Incorporate Olympics Entertainment While It's Hot...

Over the past two (2) weeks, have you considered incorporate Olympics entertainment into your game nights? Have you considered finding unique ways to capitalize on the buzz surrounding the 2008 Beijing Olympics?

The Washington Nationals recently staged an Olympics-inspired Presidents Race during the 4th inning of their game on Sunday at Nationals Park. The team tasked its 10-foot President mascots with jumping over hurdles during the team's traditional in-game Racing Presidents feature. The team even outfitted Abe Lincoln with gold running shoes (ala Michael Johnson) during the contest.

The Baltimore Ravens aired Michael Phelps' final race at the Beijing Olympics after the team's home preseason game against the Minnesota Vikings on August 16th as a salute to their hometown hero. The team received permission from NBC to broadcast the event on the stadium SmartVision scoreboards and promoted the coverage by sending out press releases prior to the game and encouraging fans throughout the game to stay for the entertainment. 

The Ravens supported the event by sending Phelps an autographed No. 08 jersey, distributing "Ravens for Phelps" posters to all fans in attendance, and providing fans the opportunity to record video messages wishing the Olympian good luck in his quest for gold.

Here is a clip of the excitement at M&T Bank Stadium surrounding Phelps's victory:

Find unique ways to capitalize on the affinity that consumers have for the Olympic games... There are some quality ways here to connect brands with fans!

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