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Bring Your QSR Partners to the Tailgate Lots...

Are you looking for innovative ways to leverage your QSR partners? Are you looking to provide extra benefits to all of your organization's fans tailgating three (3) hours prior to the game?

Bring your QSR partners to the (tailgate) party... through the means of mobile vehicles.

McDonalds recently began testing the popularity of the McCafe Lounge on Wheels, a mobile vehicle that enables customers to taste McDonalds coffees in a comfortable setting. The concept vehicle, created by the Moroch Partners in Dallas, TX, helps McDonalds escape from the advertising clutter and efficiently induces consumer trial of new products. The McCafe Lounge set up shop at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in March and has been widely introduced in Japan. The McCafe Lounge served 80,000 7-ounce cups of iced coffee over the course of the weekend att he Houston Livestock Show...

For teams with vast, organized parking lots, bringing mobile QSR vehicles to the people could be a great idea. While people are tailgating (eating hamburgers, drinking beer, throwing the football), they are probably much more receptive to trying new products (e.g. drinks, sandwiches, etc.) than if they are inside the stadium where they are being price-gouged on concessions. Has a team ever attempted to sell $2 burgers through a mobile vehicle (roaming the lots) to tailgaters outside? As properties become more creative leveraging QSR partners, don't be too suprised if this idea is just a few short months away...

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    What does this worldwide standardization mean to you and me? Well, thanks to ISO, we can get cash from an automated teller machine (ATM) in New York City, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires or Moscow. The format of the credit cards, phone cards and smart cards is based on a series of ...

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