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When It Comes to Licensing, Think the Unthinkable.

Do you think you have seen it all when it comes to licensed products? Are you currently brainstorming new product ideas that you can bring to market based on the recent success of your sport?

Could Michael Phelps and the USA Swimming Team bring back the Speedo? Could Misti May -Treanor and Kerri Walsh bring out a new beachwear look?

When it comes to licensing, think the unthinkable. If you think you have seen it all, think again...Unless you have seen the Durex England Supporter World Cup Condoms. Durex actually created the specific condom brands for English, German, and Brazilian soccer fnas traveling to the 2006 World Cup. With this being said, is there a whole new market that exists in the United States that has yet to be tapped?

As licensing rights become more complicated (and fragmented), expect the unexpected when it comes to vendors looking to develop and produce new licensed products. While condoms may not be appropriate for the NBA, NFL, or MLB to place their logo onto, there will come a time and a place where an entity will look to take advantage of utilizing a similar means to drive awareness/sales, etc.

Everything from USB's/flash memory to binoculars to wine are now being identified as opportunities and labeled. Take advantage of using these unique branding opportunities to drive awareness and loyalty for your brand!

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