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The Redskins Push Lottery Tickets at the Pump...

Are you looking for new ways to drive awareness for c-store promotions? Are you looking for new ways to leverage lottery partners?

The Washington Redskins and the Virginia Lottery announced a partnership in June 2009 to create a new $50MM scratch-off ticket that would go on sale just prior to the team's '09 season opener. Fans can purchase the team-branded scratch-off tickets for $20 and have the chance to instantly win prizes between $20 and $1MM.

What's unique about the scratch-off promotion is that the Virginia Lottery has teamed up with c-store locations to market the offer on gas pumps (as shown below). The attractive offer catches the eye of consumers for a solid 3-5 minutes while they pump gas. More organizations should consider using non-traditional OOH mediums like gas pumps to drive home their promotional messaging (especially at c-store locations near their venues).

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