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Parachute Promos Delivers Value for Brands...

Are you looking for new ways to put your product in the hands of fans in-arena? Are you looking for new ways to impact the fan experience while driving brand impressions?

As brands continue to search for new, effective mediums to place their products in the hands of fans on gameday, they should not look past Parachute Promos. The promotional company produces tangle free parachutes that can be dropped from the catwalks of arenas, sporting events, and malls. Dropping free product strapped to parachutes creates a memorable in-game setting that drives sports fans crazy and provides brands a unique way to connect with consumers during the game. 

How does it work? During a select stoppage of play (intermission, media timeout, etc.), teams will leverage the video board and a PA to announce that (insert brand name) Chutes will be dropping out of the rafters (e.g. Chipotle Chutes). Each and every night the promotion is implemented, the result is the same... fans go wild for the chance to grab one of a few dozen falling free products parachuting from the roof.

Check out a brief promotional video that captures how Parachute Promos can drive excitement for your brand in-venue: 

The Parachute Promos video was produced by Andy Emery's Outsider Entertainment team. Andy's group produces some of the most captivating videos for teams and brands in sports. Check out their site here.

Reader Comments (1)

I have to say....I follow this site daily and I love your roundup of sponsorship activation. Thanks for the daily dose!

This is great and a practice that I have also noticed, especially at Atlanta Hawks games. Not only is it great product placement, fans go crazy every time this promotion occurs in the game. Chick-fil-A used to drop cows with coupons at the Chick-Fil-A Bowl, but it began to cause too much commotion amongst the fans...I guess people REALLY wanted those coupons!

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeandra

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