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Leverage Fan Impressions to Power Online Channels with Fresh, Engaging Content

As teams look for creative ways to power their social and digital channels with humorous, engaging, and shareable content, they should consider identifying a fan who delivers world-class impressions.

As featured in the viral below, which has attracted 350,000 views, teams can easily turn to a social influencer to record his/her impressions of every player on the team (as well as opponents' players each game). This type of content is very cost-effective, easy to execute, and fresh for teams to produce, especially if they can identify a great fan to deliver a memorable performance.

This type of content also presents opportunities to incorporate corporate partners - from local comedy clubs to brands simply looking for new ways to drive awareness on gameday.

Check out the video below and consider new ways that your organization can bring fan impressions to life through your online channels!

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