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Entries in amtrak marketing (1)


Amtrak Provides Special World Series Rides for the Phillies and Yankees

Are you looking for new ways to leverage a corporate partner specializing in transportation services?

The 2009 World Series between the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Phillies is being called by many the "Amtrak Series", a dream scenario for the inercity passenger rail operator. With New York serving as its busiest train station and Philadelphia's 30th Street Station ranking 3rd, Amtrak is doing everything in its power to capitalize on the moment.

Amtrak is servicing chartered trains for the Yankees and Phillies organizations to travel to play their World Series games on the road. When the two (2) opponents faced off in the 1950 World Series, they opted for a similar route of travel due to its convenience. Check out a quick clip of some prominent Yankees players traveling through the train station on their way to Philadelphia for Game 3:

Amtrak is also polling passengers traveling on trains between New York and Philadelphia about their favorite team preferences. All passengers that participate in the study will receive their team's official Championship series t-shirt (thus far, fans have chosen the Yankees over the Phillies by a 1.7-1 margin). Amtrak has distributed 500+ commemorative t-shirts through the initiative.  

Amtrak currently operates 32 sports charters, including six (6) for Major League Baseball organizations.

Source: AOL Money & Finance