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    Entries in dwight howard kansas (1)


    New Adidas Viral Takes NBA High School Draftees to College...

    Are you looking for a unique way to drive buzz around March Madness? Are you looking to create a messaging campaign that aligns your professional and collegiate assets and endorsements?

    Adidas recently released a "March is Brotherhood" viral campaign to promote its Mad Climas collegiate footwear and apparel that can only let some college basketball fans dream. Adidas took four (4) of the NBA's most prolific high school draftees on college visits, causing viewers to wonder how different things would be if they would have played college ball.

    Check out the terrific viral campaign below (an HD option is available), where Adidas gets creative with leveraging the NBA's finest stars to drive awareness for its products during March Madness:

    Kevin Garnett - KG Goes to UCLA

    Dwight Howard - Dwight's a Jayhawk

    Tracy McGrady - TMAC Takes Louisville

    Josh Smith - Josh Represents Pitt