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    Entries in south africa 2010 (1)


    Billboard of the Week - Budweiser, World Cup

    Are you looking for ways to promote significant sporting events in international markets? Are you looking for ways to incorporate products into outdoor messaging campaigns?

    As the world gears up for the 2010 South Africa World Cup, Anheuser-Busch is driving some buzz in the Far East with a captivating billboard campaign. The global brewing company recently unveiled a captivating outdoor messaging campaign in Japan that portrays what the World Cup would look like from the inside of a Budweiser can.

    The billboard does an effective job incorporating the passion, emotion, and athletes competing in the World Cup but more importantly it uses a blend of side imagery to turn the Budweiser can into the focal point of the campaign. One cannot help but direct his/her attention to the middle of the billboard... the Budweiser can.