Webinar Alert: "Measuring Sponsorship ROI"

Sports Business Colleagues,
The team at Navigate Marketing is hosting a terrific webinar on "Measuring Sponsorship ROI" on Wednesday, November 16th at 12pm CST and I wanted to take a moment to encourage you to attend/participate.
The Navigate team, including AJ Maestas, Dr. Mark Friederich, and Matt Balvanz will provide webinar participants with an in-depth look at the various ways ROI is being measured and calculated in the sports and entertainment sponsorship space.
With measurement playing a key role in all phases of the sponsorship life cycle, it's an extremely valuable session that will surely pay dividends for you and your organization.
The team will specifically be discussing a number of topics, including:
- Bounceback and Sales Tracking
- B2B Hospitality Tracking
- Market Research Driven ROI Estimates
Click here for more information: http://navigatemarketing.com/services/navigate_webinars/
If you have any questions about the webinar, feel free to reach out to Chris Todd at ctodd@navigatemarketing.com.
I look forward to hearing your personal feedback about the webinar!
Best Wishes,