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Miller High Life Sponsors Fans Across America

The folks at Miller High Life recently launched a brilliant sponsorship strategy that has been well received by the general public. Nicknamed the Champagne of Beers, Miller High Life unveiled a new campaign entitled, "Official Beer of You" that allows consumers ages 21+ to sign an endorsement contract with the brand on its official website and receive a $1 signing bonus in return (in the form of a $1 coupon or a $1 check that can be donated to Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America).

As part of the initiative, consumers receive a downloadable sponsorship kit with a personalized logo and the opportunity to purchase personalized Miller High Life gear. On the brand's website, consumers can also share photos and stories of how they live the High Life for the chance to be featured in a brand advertisement or on the Official Miller High Life Facebook page.

The strategy is a terrific way to engage with beer drinking sports fans across the nation without paying large sums of dollars to sponsor professional leagues, players, or organizations. The PR stunt may be very short lived, but will generate enough impact (and media impressions) to make a timely splash prior to the Super Bowl.

MillerCoors supported the campaign by distributing a press release that included the headline, "Miller High Life Says 'No' to Multi-Million Dollar Sponsorships." Last year, Miller High Life made a similar splash around the Super Bowl when it aired several one-second ads that caused quite a stir in the industry.